010 040 7611


Burn accident injury statistics show that at least 50% of all burn injuries can be prevented where the injuries are caused by the negligence of others. When you or a family member has been the victim of a fire, explosion, or chemical burn, you need experienced, respected and trusted attorneys. That is when the specialist personal injury attorneys of MED can help.

A major (second-degree) or full thickness (third-degree) burn injury is one of the most severe and traumatic injuries a person can suffer. The financial, mental and physical costs of recovering from a burn injury are substantial. Serious burn injuries, whether diagnosed as second or third degree burns, often require long-term hospitalization, skin grafting, rehabilitation, and extensive psychological counselling to help overcome the mental trauma associated with a burn injury.

If you or a close family member have suffered a severe burn accident injury through the fault or negligence of someone else, you need the best legal team available.

Talk to a Burn Accident Injury specialist advisor today


Talk to a
Burn Accidents advisor today

Obtain free initial advice and the opportunity to talk through your experience with Nicole our general personal liability specialist.

Tel 082 498 2567