Hospital acquired infection, known as nosocomial infection, is an infection which is contracted in a hospital or health care environment after admission to a hospital and which is not related to the condition for which the person was admitted to the facility.
Types of hospital acquired infections include:
Clostridium difficile, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other staph infections are also common. These infections can be acquired in a hospital, nursing home, rehabilitation centre as well as extended care facilities. Immunocompromised patients, the elderly and young children are usually more susceptible than others.
Nosocomial infections are often caused by breaches of infection control practices and procedures, unclean and non-sterile environmental surfaces, and/or ill hospital staff. Measures for preventing nosocomial infections include proper personal hygiene and hand washing on the part of hospital staff, complete sterilization of medical equipment and providing a clean, sanitary environment in health care facilities.
If you believe that you have been injured when you were at your most vulnerable due to nosocomial infection, talk to a Hospital Acquired Infection specialist advisor today.
Obtain free initial advice and the opportunity to talk through your experience with Nicole our medical negligence specialist.
Tel 082 498 2567