At MED Attorneys, our specialist obstetrics and gynaecology department is headed by our Director, Nicole Davidson, who is available to provide you with confidential, discreet and understanding advice and assistance.
Obstetricians and gynaecologists have a responsibility towards women in providing them with the necessary medical treatment and advice relating to the female reproductive system and care particularly during their pregnancy and childbirth. However, negligence on the part of your medical practitioner could result in an injury to you or your child during the childbirth process.
Various bodily functions, including menstruation, reproduction, continence of the bowel and bladder and sexual function can be affected by the medical negligence of obstetric and gynaecological medical practitioners.
Serious injuries and even wrongful death can occur during a surgical error, a birth injury or failure to diagnose cancer. Negligence on the part of your obstetrics and gynaecology practitioner could include:
Talk to an Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialist advisor today
Obtain free initial advice and the opportunity to talk through your experience with Nicole our medical negligence specialist.
Tel 082 498 2567