010 040 7611


Surgical negligence is a highly technical and complicated area of law and, for that reason, it is always a good idea to have someone who specialises in these cases to represent you. MED Attorneys has vast experience in representing patients and their families in medical malpractice cases arising from surgical negligence.

Risk, to a certain degree, is associated with all surgeries but a surgeon's conduct is questioned in instances where a patient is needlessly harmed during a surgical procedure due to uncommon surgical errors.

Medical negligence claims can result from cases where it has been found that the treating surgeon failed to perform to an acceptable standard.

Surgical errors include:

  • Anaesthesiology errors
  • Operating unnecessarily
  • Incorrect incisions
  • Wrong-site surgery
  • Leaving equipment inside a patient
  • Nerve damage
  • Damage to surrounding structures and organs

Talk to a Surgical Negligence specialist advisor today


Talk to a
Surgery specialist advisor today

Obtain free initial advice and the opportunity to talk through your experience with Nicole our medical negligence specialist.

Tel 082 498 2567